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30 Fairmont Park Lane S
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 7H7
Phone: (403) 328-1804
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The Editor
The Lethbridge Herald
P.O. Box 670
Lethbridge, AB, T1J 3Z7
Dear Editor, 

David Suzuki’s column of May 28 is the fourth in a row lobbying on the new federal government’s approach to the climate change issue. 

This time his “spin” begins with a claim Prime Minister Harper is deliberately trying to divert attention from “global warming” by talking instead about “climate change”. Dr. Suzuki then attempts to link PM Harper with President Bush’s declining popularity by implying our PM is employing word “spin” techniques learned from an advisor to President Bush. Dr. Suzuki even claims “climate change” is a less “scary” concept than “global warming”.  

Nice try Dr. Suzuki. Spin on spin on counter spin. We should be dizzied. 

Those who think seriously about “climate change” as more than a crutch for failed environmental and political policy,  appreciate it is a much more inclusive term than is “global warming”.  “Climate change” includes, but does not necessarily overtly dwell on the possibility of global cooling and warming as well as changes in weather events. 

It is past time to cool the frenzied rhetoric.  Too many stories seem like scaremongering to foster support for pet projects that will have little, if any, effect on the management of climate change. We need to step back and calmly evaluate potential human influence on climate change. At the same time it is legitimate to contemplate and evaluate the possibility that humans might actually be able to establish some control over climate change which could come about for many reasons.  

Prime Minister Harper and Minister Ambrose appear to be moving in that direction. We can hope they stay on course and will not be swayed by hysterical hectoring from organizations and individuals pursuing agendas not in the general interest of Canadians. 

Yours truly,  


Duane Pendergast


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